6 facts that prove women are actually stronger than men

By Lemuel Irabor

(This is not a feminist post)

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While men may be seen on the tabloid pages and social media as the hulk-figured, big-muscled ones and women seen as the weak, shapely, sensual beings of considerable aesthetic value, one does wonder if things are as they seem.
    Trust me, these 6 facts will change your mind!

1.  Women can endure greater levels of physical pain…

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It has since been proven that the pains associated with labour and childbirth are perhaps the most painful human sensations ever known. At various stages during the birth process, the terminal bones of the vertebrae (coccyx) shift amidst the uterine muscles contracting rhythmically, the vaginal walls expanding like crazy and all this just yells, ‘pain! Pain! PAIN!’ to the woman’s brain.
Yet, a woman forgets all the pain as soon as she sees her infant?
According to readings from a labour pain-simulation machine, if men were to undergo labour, they’d probably die from the strain or go into a vegetative state from the extensive brain damage.

(Sorry, guys. It’s true.)
Women have also been reported to have endured harrowing experiences such as rape and physical torture, coming out of them and healing better than men.

2.     …and emotional pain too.

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   Have you ever noticed that even in the movies (which, in most cases, are based on real-life scenarios) that when the cops come calling with the death of a husband, the woman takes such news calmly and sob into a hanky or just distract themselves by doing one chore or the other?
   In cases where the roles were reversed, a man was most likely to freak out at the news of a spouse’s death, even going as far as hitting the news-bearer and then engaging in harmful habits such as binging, abusing substances or getting vengeful.

3.     Yes, a man’s body is 40% muscle,but…
  Image result for women body anatomy

         Experts believe that this body structure of men, rather than make them invincible, is actually a demerit, especially in unfavourable conditions. A woman on the other hand, whose body is 28% skeletal muscle has major fat deposits in body sites as the abdomen, breasts, hips and bum.
Remember that fat is converted to carbohydrates (mainly glucose) during periods of starvation to enable the body continue life processes .

4.     Women cope with stress better..

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It’s no news that a woman is more likely to remain in an unhappy marriage than a man would. Women have also been noticed to thrive better in stressful workplace environments compared to their male counterparts.
Perhaps this is why they are such efficient secretaries.

5.     A woman’s brain organizes information better..

Image result for a woman organizing stuff

           It is no news that women can deal with various roles in the home, and do so far more efficiently than the average man would.
Son, don’t argue!
Can you be a cook, a teacher, a counselor, a disciplinarian, an attorney, a makeshift physician, a mother, a milk-producing company, a business manager, an adviser and still be a lover at the same time?

6.     Women naturally are ‘pillars’.

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           Ever wondered why mothers and wives are so indispensible? The axiom: ‘behind every successful man, there is a woman’ is really underrated. Men tend to be so full of energy, that they easily burnout when faced with obstacles. Having a mom or a wife to encourage them to keep on trying has been observed to keep them focused on the big picture and not on minor set-backs. This helps to improve output and productivity, especially in men who work in creativity-based organizations.
Research has proven that the presence of a woman in any organization, brings a certain kind of stability that is peculiar.

This said, it is obvious that when it comes down to it, women are far stronger than men.

PS: Daughter of Zion, don’t ever get in a brawl with a man though. Remember, ‘..40% skeletal muscle.’

Lemuel Irabor, NGA


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