How to survive the New Year holiday jetlag: five timely tips
By Lemuel Irabor
The holiday season has finally come to an end.
Schools resume and your pesky boss starts again with his routine of annoying
you (Ungh! Why do we have to have bosses?)
Fresh out from the holiday spending, your bank
account’s most likely in the red too. And you’re already hating the first month
of the year already.
Relax, mate.
January doesn’t have to be a tough one for you. If
you follow these five(5) tips religiously, I guarantee that you’d survive—and
even overcome the pioneer month of 2018.
1. Take
stock of all you’ve got..

I know, I know. That wasn’t what you were expecting
would be #1. But according to recent reports, taking an inventory of all the
stuff in your store does not only give you the actual number of what you have
left over; it gives you an idea of the supplies you need to get. This helps you
prepare for any purchases you will be making.
2. Prioritize
You need a new blouse..
An in-the-now shirt..
Fashionable watch..
What about shoes?;;
Or that new scarf that
Debbie rocked to the New Year party..
Oh, a new tie will look
good on you too..
Fine, but they can
definitely wait!
Rather than go on a
spending spree this period, you should limit your purchases to only the basic
and necessary stuff. Leave the expendable items till you at least get your
first pay-check.
3. Reuse
and Recycle

Those balloons and
decoration you used to usher the New Year could also be used at the birthday
party of your buddy whose birthday falls in the month of January. All it takes
is a little reshaping and restyling here and there, that’s all.
Do this for other
reusable stuff and at the end of the month, you’ll not only have saved a few
extra bucks—you’ll be saving the environment too.
4. Cook
your own meals

Since your bank
accounts probably at an all-time low, eating out is totally out of the
question. A suitable alternative is to be your own chef this period. It’s a
well-known fact that coking your own meals is a whole lot cheaper than eating
or ordering out, so you may need to try it this January.
Get your white hats up,
5. Reduce
your public appearances

Yes, we know you love
to be the buzz at every party. But maybe you should let up on that routine for
just this month.
It’s a public secret
that living the party lifestyle is quite—OK, a whole lot—expensive. Sometimes
you have to buy specific outfits to particular events and that’s it. You never
get to wear those outfits to another event in a loooooong time, if ever.
The easy way out? Don’t
You can politely
decline party invitations or, even better; make yourself unavailable by
engrossing yourself in other activities like taking some free online courses or
getting rid of the flab you picked up during the holiday at the gym. You could
also apply for overtime at work: essentially making some extra cash on the
side. (Who says you can’t kill two birds with a stone?)
Besides, let’s see if
they even miss you, right?
There you have it,
folks: five indispensable tips for surviving the month of January. Lemme know
how they helped you.
You can share your
experiences via the comment box.
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